We do this by providing FRACTIONAL Chief Growth Officer services to impact driven companies that
have high growth potential (but don’t want the risks associated with hiring a full time executive team)

*And to be clear, we ONLY work with visionary founders with “big crazy ideas” who believe in
limitless possibilities and aspire to create real, impactful change in the world.

The Desired Outcome

If you are reading this, you are likely a visionary, creative entrepreneur (because that’s who we attract :). You are committed to playing a significant role in creating abundance for yourself and everyone you interact with. You are driven to bring your gifts, talents, products and services to the world. And, to do this, you need a marketing and sales strategy that will attract and convert perfectly aligned clients consistently, predictably and profitably (now and in the future).
Our mission is to be the LINCHPIN that turns your “big crazy ideas” into reality!

We have over 40 years combined experience in digital marketing, lead generation, conversion optimization, sales growth . Which means that we know what it takes to accelerate your buyer’s journey, attract perfect clients and amplify the voice of your brand promise using the latest online traffic, content and funnel strategies. And, we also understand the foundational persuasion & enrolment strategies required to make perfect clients say YES to your offer.

To be clear … we are NOT an “agency”

We are “Ambassadors Of Quan” (Love, Impact, Community … and the Dollars Too!)
We are driven to ELEVATE you and your vision. And, we are committed to getting in the trenches and “doing the work” with you to make this happen.

Because we know that when we align with CHANGE MAKERS … we amplify ABUNDANCE in the world (for everyone)!

Why Do You Need An [f]CGO?
Firstly, let’s define what an [f]CGO is! (as you might not have heard this term before)

As you grow your business, eventually you are going to need to bring on “talent” to fill gaps in your leadership team.

If you are reading this, it’s likely you have already turned an “idea” into a successful (profitable) business.

And now, you realize that in order to get to the next level, you need to surround yourself with talented people that can bring your business to the next level.

The only thing is …


Hiring a full time “C-Level” executive is challenging, risky and complicated!


Hiring an “agency” is challenging, slow-moving and expensive!


Hiring an outsourced team is challenging, time-consuming and frustrating!

This is where hiring a Fractional Chief Growth Officer (+ team) fills the gap!

These are just some of the areas of focus we bring to your business as your [f]CGO:

As your Fractional Chief Growth Officer,
we are focused on ONE thing…


Your business growth … and the growth of YOU (the human behind the business)!

We will create, deploy and manage a marketing strategy (co-created by you) to help you reach your revenue growth goals faster. But, not only that, we’ll help you discover ways to re-purpose and package your content, expertise, products & services into offers that result in passive income opportunities.

Of course, marketing alone does not “convert” to new clients! So, as your Fractional Chief Growth Officer, we will implement a sales strategy (co-created by you) focused on conversion optimization, increased customer value and client retention.

And lastly (and most importantly) we are committed to supporting the growth of YOU (the human) and your team. We believe that the way we create significant positive change in the world is by supporting the personal growth of change makers (YOU) and raising the collective consciousness of the world one aligned action at a time.

And, of course, as your business grows, we will be there to support you to grow your operations & team.

These are just some of the areas of focus we bring to your business as your [f]CGO:


Developing the marketing strategy for both the short-term and long-term.


Acting as a leader in the marketing & sales departments and leading team members.


Working with pre-vetted and piloted, outsourced contractors to leverage their experience and meet your goals.


Auditing and implementing a technology stack that will support the evolution of your company at all stages of growth


Deciding and committing to which marketing strategies are best for your business, such as SEO, content marketing, paid advertising, a podcast, etc.


Solving marketing & sales challenges that will arise and need to be resolved quickly.


Acting as a sounding board for you (the visionary leader) as you navigate frustrating (and necessary) stages of growth in your business.


Supporting in hiring new employees (and contractors) and building out your team for success.

As your Fractional CGO, our model is setup to grow WITH you!
We consciously choose to work with people that have an abundant mindset, massive growth potential and a belief in infinite possibilities!
The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
– Steve Jobs
Our FRAMEWORK & team
We know that by sharing our gifts and amplifying the change makers (you) of the world, we will help create a more beautiful world that we aspire to live in and leave for our children. A world where impact-driven businesses truly make a difference and the people leading them look inward for the answers to lead by example.

We do this by following our
“Amplify Impact Framework”…



Your Vision / Start With Why


Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)


Offer Ladder (let’s build you a true freedom business!)


Sales Strategy (don’t worry…we’ll guide you on this!)


Your Hero’s Journey / True Higher Self


Value Proposition (pains, gains, jobs)


Content Strategy (it’ll create itself in the process!)


Team Strategy (you don’t need to do everything!)


As a Co-Founder of SinghBull Ventures, Trevor leads the “vision” for our company.

Simply put, Trevor has 2 decades of experience starting, growing and exiting entrepreneurial ventures and turning big ideas into reality. He supports our clients to realize their untapped potential by co-creating a strategic plan that magnetically attracts their perfect clients and manifests into win – win – win scenarios!


As a Co-Founder of SinghBull Ventures, Sharmila leads the “integration” for our company.

Simply put, Sharmila has 2 decades of experience building the strategy and leading the execution of digital transformation, leadership growth and talent elevation. She supports our clients to building the framework & systems needed to bring the vision of creative entrepreneurs to life!

How Does It Work?
We provide fCGO (Fractional Chief Growth Officer) advisory services to visionary creators like yourself. What does that mean? Simply put….we help you build a strategy that will ensure you not only meet your revenue goals, but that you are able to scale by integrating the leadership growth, team ascension and digital transformation required to work smarter, not harder.

In order for us to grow together, our model begins with a 180 Day (6 Month) Growth Accelerator Phase. Our initial engagement includes the following:


Quarterly Implementation Meeting
[Full Day (6 hrs) OR  Two Half Days  (3 hrs)


Monthly Implementation Meeting
Half Day (3 hrs)


Weekly Implementation Meeting
(1 hour)

Total Meeting Hours = 54 hours

(Also includes 100+ hours of execution time between meetings)

Also included in our services are the following:

Executive Assistant / Project Management


Up to 4 hours per week


Meeting Notes (Action Items & Content Extraction)

Digital Marketing


Up to 6 hours per week


Design, Development, Research, Data Entry, Social Distribution, Outbound Messaging, etc

What Does It Cost?
In the first 180 days (6 months) of our Growth Accelerator Phase, our fees are as follows:

OPTION 1 – $10000 / month

$5000 USD

/ month x 6 months

TOTAL: $30000 USD

OPTION 2 – $57,000

$28500 USD

/ 6 months (paid in full)

(5% discount)

After the initial 180 days (6 months), we will review our agreed upon milestones & KPIs and discuss the growth potential of continuing our working relationship together. We do this initial 6 month Growth Accelerator Phase because we know it takes this long to implement REAL change in your business that will create exponential growth opportunities for your company!

At the end of the day, our true desire is to amplify the impact of VISIONARIES like you!
And create WIN, WIN, WIN outcomes!

What Else Can We Provide You?

Naturally, in our work together we are going to discuss strategies for how to accelerate the buyer’s journey from Awareness (Attention) to Consideration (Belief) to Evaluation (Decision).

In order to do this, we will outline a strategy to create content, drive traffic & capture leads that will educate, qualify & convert prospects into new clients.

Part of our work together will be to outline “projects” and “workflows” that we’ll look to complete together on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. And, as we build out and align on the execution strategy together, you are going to need support in executing those strategies.

By working with us, you’ll have access to our extensive network of strategic partners (subcontractors & agencies) and outsourced teams that have been pre-vetted and piloted to ensure you will only pay for what you need to meet our agreed upon goals.

Our strategic partners & team can provide the following services:



Outbound Email Prospecting


Outbound Social Prospecting (LinkedIn)


Inbound SEM (Google, Youtube, LinkedIn, Facebook & Instagram)


Inbound SEO (Google)

Funnels & Content


Lead Magnets (Guides/Reports/Whitepapers/Video Series/Newsletters)


Trip Wires & Core Offers (Webinars, Mini-Webinars, Summits, Challenges & Power Offers)


Content Marketing (Amplify Impact Machine)


Testimonials & Case Studies


Design & Development Services



Appointment Setting


Sales Development Reps

*NOTE: Our digital marketing agency (Route Three Digital) includes a team of talent that can tactically execute many of the results-driven strategies we co-create with our clients. And, what they can’t do, we will outsource and manage the vendor relationship to ensure our collective expectations are met.

**NOTE: All projects are scoped and quoted on as required. We will determine your budget and provide the best fit to help you meet your timeline and goals.

Want to explore if we are A
fit To Work Together?

Click the button below to schedule a 20 minute chat so we can understand the
“big crazy ideas” you have and discover how we can turn them into reality together!